Huntsville Division Alumni Association Inc. (HDAA) General Information


All former employees of Thiokol’s Huntsville Division and their spouses (including surviving spouses of deceased former employees) are invited to Join HDAA. Others who had a close association with the division (as customers, suppliers, etc.) but were never its employees are invited to consider an associate membership (most privileges).


The objectives of HDAA are:

1. to promote the mutually enjoyable and beneficial association of the individuals employed by Thiokol’s Huntsville Division during its 46-year history,

2. to preserve the good image of the organization and foster the spirit that we found to be valuable,

3. to sponsor those activities that the membership deems to be in keeping with other objectives.


With one definite meeting per year, all other activities are subject to determination by the board in response to membership desires.

A pattern of quarterly get-togethers has developed: a spring dinner, a summer picnic, an autumn dinner, and a December party. A quarterly newsletter, telling of activities of HDAA and news of individual members, is distributed to members.

An HDAA committee is attempting to maintain in-depth benefits reports, previously available at HD.

HDAA will also interact with smaller groups of alumni who meet more often and will look for ways to provide mutual support.


An initiation fee of $5 and annual dues of $12 ($1 per month) have been set. The board can waive these if a hardship exists.


HDAA business is conducted by an elected Board of Directors. The current board includes past leaders of both the Management Club and AFL-CIO Local 1325. Join us