Modified Bylaws

The Huntsville Division Alumni Association,

A Non-Profit Corporation

(Incorporated 8/25/95, Proposed for Approval 12/06/2007)



1.  Name


This organization shall be known as the Huntsville Division Alumni Association.  It will be denoted as "the Association" henceforth in this document.


2.  Objectives


This organization shall have the following objectives:


3.  Membership


Membership shall be open to former employees of the Huntsville Division of Thiokol Corporation (or, Morton Thiokol Incorporated from 1982 through 1989) and their spouses.  Associate Memberships are available for others closely associated with Thiokol's Huntsville Division although never its employees (such as customers, suppliers, etc).  Associate members are afforded all privileges of the Association except holding office.


4.  Board of Directors


The policy making body of the Association shall be its Board of Directors, consisting of three to four officers and nine to eighteen Directors. .  At the time of their election, Board members shall be residents of Madison County Alabama or of an adjoining county in Alabama or Tennessee and a member of the Association in good standing.  An officer or director may be removed from office "for cause" by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors.


          A.  Officers


          The Association shall have officers common to such organizations. These shall   include a presiding officer known as the President, a designated successor   known as the Vice President, an officer known as Secretary to maintain records, and an officer known as Treasurer to hold financial resources and maintain  suitable financial records.  The positions of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by the same officer


          Terms of office for officers shall be one year, or less if elected after the beginning  of a calendar year.  An officer may be reelected to the same or different office position, but cannot serve more than two consecutive term in the same office   position.


          B.  Directors


          The Association shall have nine to eighteen directors to assist the officers in  conducting Association business and activities.


          Terms of office for directors shall be three years with three to six directors being elected each year.  Vacancies shall be filled by majority vote of remaining members of the Board of Directors.   


6.  Meetings


          A.  Annual Membership Meetings


          There shall be an annual business meeting of the membership during each year as established by the Board of Directors. This will be held in conjunction with a  social event.


          B.  Board Meeting


          Board of Directors meetings will be held as often as necessary to conduct Association business.  Administrative activities of the Association shall be   minimized.


          C. Social Meetings


          Social meetings for the membership shall be organized by the Board of Directors. The President shall appoint a chairperson for these individual social meetings and this chairperson must be a member of the Association in good standing, but is not required to be a board member.  Groups of members are encouraged to have other social gatherings not organized by the Board of Directors.


          Each Association member is encouraged to make their interest known to  members of the Board and to seek a position on the Board during the next  election or filling of an un-expired term.


7.  Elections


Elections shall be held each year by mail ballot sent to all members in good standing.  A nominating committee shall be established by the Board, during the second quarter of each year.  Ballots may be included with invitations to the annual meeting and will be counted at the annual meeting. This process will be conducted in a manner that provides an opportunity for all members in good standing to participate. 







8.  Finances


          A.  Objectives


          This Association is intended to be self supporting through payments of  membership dues and donations, but to not produce a profit or accumulate significant financial resources.


          B.  Dues


          Dues shall be assessed at $12.00 per year. Dues may be forgiven by the Board where a hardship is known to exist.


          C.  Audit


           An annual audit of the Association finances shall be conducted.  The  President will appoint an auditor and the Board of Directors will review the results.


          D.  Residual Funds


          All Association funds shall be donated to a recognized charity when the   Association ceases operation.


9.  Amendments


These bylaws, adopted by the incorporators on 26 June 1995, may be amended by a vote of the majority of all active members or by a majority vote of the Board followed by a majority vote of those Association members in attendance at an annual meeting or other general membership meetings.  Association members who cannot attend the meeting considering a bylaw amendment may send their vote by mail.